Post by: Leah Arrowood
Proverbs 22:6 (KJV) Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Now this is loaded scripture...vague is the word that comes mind, as in there are a million and one opinions on what proper training is. Well, that is unless we practice Spirit lead parenting, not that I'm the author on that. We usually parent like we've been parented and our parents parent like they were parented too...that was fun😉 If we were raised with a man made spiritual handbook, we tend to raise our offspring in the same manner. As a potential control freak (working on not being one) teaching my kids to follow a list of rules makes me feel a whole lot safer. However, what happens when I am no longer around to make sure they are complying with my list, or what happens when they encounter a situation that I forgot to give them a rule for? Teaching and allowing them to live a spirit led life is much harder for this mamma. So how do I start? First of all, I have to live a spirit led life myself, because after all, they are watching me and learning. A spirit led life teaches us that pure motives and Godly principles will keep us where the list of rules no longer reach. Pure motives and Godly principles can't be put on but are a work that comes from within. (The title of my next post is: You can't strap on fruit"....but lets not go there just yet😊). Much like a Spirit led life, Spirit led parenting takes away my ability to physically control all things kid related. It causes me to continually rely on God to give me the wisdom for each and every thing that encompasses the word "train" as is stated in Proverbs 22:16. With all my heart, I don't want my kids to wake up in their late 30's and 40's and realize that I raised them in a cast, and then them have to, at that late age learn what it truly means to live a life led by God and not man. I want them to KNOW God. This training will keep them when they are old- what better/safer way than that! The truth is that I don't exactly know how to do that, but then again that's good because God does! All I need to do is follow HIS lead. Teach me Lord🙏🏻 p.s.- I have amazing parents so this post is not a knock on their parenting....this is simply a reflection coming from the Christian culture we are currently surrounded by and my earnest desire to be the parent God wants me to be💗
Andrew ArrowoodLead pastor of Chapel North Noblesville Archives
March 2020